"Seriously, thanks for this newsletter. It's always a treat and has at least one thing I can put to use right away!" ~Mike S., fundraiser from Texas
SUBSCRIBEWant donors to feel your story? Learn when to add details — and when to hold back.
When AI polishes your stories, it erases what donors care about most. Here's what to do.
Want donors to feel your mission? Stop writing articles. Start setting scenes instead.
"Don't put that in there!"
This is how Julie replied to my beloved first idea for a...
Our son Baye was once a beneficiary – at age 7, when he lived in an orphanage run by...
In your donor appeals, your endings are so important!
A misplaced story ending means...
As a donor, I sometimes daydream about the charities I support...
My son Mickey was reading a heartbreaking book for his high school English class. The...